Month: November 2021

Significant Link Seen Between Anxiety Disorders and the Risk of HIV

There is a new research finding that links mood and anxiety disorder in HIV risk among sexual minorities. Dr. Viviane Dias Lima of BC-CeF studies sexually risky behavior among the LGBT community.
The research determines the association between HIV risk behavior and anxiety disorder diagnoses.
The most prevalent disorder affecting most Canadians are mood and anxiety disorders. These disorders take three-quarters of all mental health disorders-related health care services, which amounts to more than half of the total costs spent on all mental health disorders.
The study was conducted using a cross-sectional population-…

Moderna is Ready for HIV Vaccine Human Trial After the Success of COVID-19

Moderna is now preparing another human trial; this time not for COVID-19 but HIV. According to the American Registry for clinical trials, an American biotech company in partnership with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative is on its way to testing two different vaccine candidates that are based on the same mRNA technology as COVID-19 shots.
Following the success of the COVID-19 vaccines, which proved remarkably effective at preventing COVID-19, Moderna will begin to test similar technology against HIV. The mRNA technology which the biotech company has been considering has now proven effective.
This development gave them …

COVID-19 Information for People Living with HIV

The COVID-19 virus poses an imminent danger for people with HIV. The risk of acquiring severe COVID-19 illness is at its highest as they are immunocompromised. Individuals with HIV conditions must practice strict health protocols. It is also crucial that they will be given priority for anti-COVID vaccination.
Here are some of the critical things that people living with HIV must know about COVID vaccines:

Individuals living with HIV belong to the Ontario Phase 2 priority group. They are also eligible based on their age and where they live.
Here are the ways to know your eligibility for a vaccine:

Hope to Health Research and Innovation Complex on the Rise

Residents of Downtown Eastside (DTES) Vancouver benefit from Hope to Care’s founding as it offers comprehensive, wrap-around health care. This facility was opened in 2019 at the heart of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES).
The H2H complex gives integrated harm reduction, safer supply, and primary care services to clients with on-site laboratory services.
This complex was built through the generosity of the late Carl P. Vanderspek. Mr. Vanderspek donated the source of funds for the creation of H2H. Carl P. Vanderspek started as a businessman. Upon achieving outstanding business success, he diverted into …